On February 12-14, Janin Eiken, Guillaume Boussinot and Rahul Nellissery Rajan from Access MICRESS group attended the GAMM phase-field modelling (GAMM-PF 25) and Materials/Microstructure modelling: Analytics & Benchmarks conference. The conference was organised and hosted by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) with support by DGM. On the second day of the conference, Janin Eiken and Rahul Nellissery presented research findings.
Janin Eiken presented “A simple benchmark problem for automated accuracy evaluation of phase-field simulations with combined capillary and bulk driving force”.
Rahul Nellissery Rajan did his first conference presentation on the topic “Phase-field simulation of eutectic solidification in binary alloys: A benchmark with boundary integral technique”. Rahul is currently pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Guillaume Boussinot.
The conference provided a good opportunity for the exchange of ideas and suggestions among researchers in the PF community.